About Nunney Parish Council
What is a Parish Council?
Parish Councils form the first tier of local government. The following are just some of the things we're involved in:
Use of land, and sale or ownership of land
Community resources including grit bins, litter bins, bus shelters
Recreational facilities such as playing fields, parks and allotments
Community centres, other public buildings
Planning issues, and the public notification of planning applications
We can also decide to spend money in other ways that are not within the main Parish Council remit, provided it benefits the community. For more information on Parish Councils, visit the Parish Council page of the Local Government website, or read this document about the powers and duties of Parish Councils.
Parish Councillors are elected by the public, and serve for 4 years. They work on a voluntary basis, but carry out an important role within their communities. You can see the Councillors of Nunney Parish Council on the next page
For more information on Local Government; visit the Department for Communities and Local Government page.