There is often a lot going on in Nunney and whilst the Parish Council is not directly linked to all of the organisations/events below, visitors to our website may be interested in contacting these groups or finding out about more on offer in Nunney:

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Nunney Community Association has both a website and a Facebook page. For details of events organised, from Street Fayres to duck races please see their pages.


Nunney Village Hall has a Facebook page where information about the various events can be found. The village hall can also be hired for private use.


Nunney First School has both a website and a Facebook page. They hold regular open days and fund raising events.

Postlebury Churches has both a website and publishes the Postlebury Annual Guide which is delivered free to every home and business in the village and surrounding area.


Nunney’s All Saints Church has a Facebook page. Services are held regularly and teas are available each weekend throughout the summer.

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Nunney Flower Show Committee has a Facebook page. They organise an annual open garden and village fete.


Nunney Makes Christmas has a Facebook page.

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Nunney Community Lunch is held on the first Friday or each month and is run by volunteers.

Menus can be found on their Facebook page.


Nunney Parish Council is not responsible for the content of the linked pages.

The refuse and recycling calendar for Nunney can be found by clicking here.