There is often a lot going on in Nunney and whilst the Parish Council is not directly linked to all of the organisations/events below, visitors to our website may be interested in contacting these groups or finding out about more on offer in Nunney:
Nunney Community Association has both a website and a Facebook page. For details of events organised, from Street Fayres to duck races please see their pages.
Nunney Village Hall has a Facebook page where information about the various events can be found. The village hall can also be hired for private use.
Nunney First School has both a website and a Facebook page. They hold regular open days and fund raising events.
Postlebury Churches has both a website and publishes the Postlebury Annual Guide which is delivered free to every home and business in the village and surrounding area.
Nunney’s All Saints Church has a Facebook page. Services are held regularly and teas are available each weekend throughout the summer.
Nunney Flower Show Committee has a Facebook page. They organise an annual open garden and village fete.