Looking back on 2024

The parish has seen a lot of positive activity this year.

The NPC won an award for the upkeep and maintenance of The Russell Field. Cllr Sally Foster won the Somerset Council's Chair Award for Community Service for her general community involvement and the success of Warm Spaces. And most recently, the NPC won the Somerset Community Resilience Award for its flood responsiveness in 2024.

Warm Space was successfully relaunched in October and runs every first Thursday of the month in the Village Hall. Please drop in for a cup of hot, delicious home made soup and baked goods from 12.00 - 14.00 on the following Thursdays: January 9th, February 6th, March 6th, and April 3rd. Everyone is welcome.

With the impending few days of possible snowy weather, note that all our grit bins are fully stocked and easy to spot. If you need grit, take a bag and possibly a hammer to soften the grit as sometimes exposure hardens it to the touch, but it is completely useable.

The NPC will be launching a quarterly newsletter in April that includes last year's Community Survey results. Please also keep your eyes peeled come spring as we have a few lovely troughs being planted in the Market Place just before Easter, as well as a plethora of bulbs having been planted at each 'Nunney Welcome' sign entrance point into the village, courtesy of a grant from The Nunney Flower Show.

As you've probably already noticed, the tarmac near the area into the Village Hall has been renewed and the wetpour under the children's slide.

But, please stay tuned for our very exciting news in the next few weeks about the Play Area. All we can say at the moment is...

"our upcoming project is made possible thanks to the #NationalLottery players!"

We have a lot of community news to share in 2025 and hope you continue with your feedback and collaboration.


Children’s Play Area